Quote Originally Posted by Loren View Post
According to the Peterson Field Guide to Eastern Reptiles and Amphibians- Butlers have a side stripe on half of row 2, all of row 3, and half of row 4. Easterns have a side stripe confined to rows 2 and 3.
I had a close look at his scales, and compared them to Deejay. I am almost 100% sure that I do indeed have a Butler's garter. And I am definitely NOT sure I'm pleased about it, because it means I'm going to have to release him back to his natural habitat.
We have pretty clear government guidelines to endangered species, and I certainly don't want to commit any offense against those acts.
Besides, as someone who would be the first to yell at anyone deliberately taking or damaging the habitat of a threatened species, it would be a bit hypocritical of me to keep one for my own selfish purposes.
So little Twister is going home as soon as I can get him back there. But, I am going to contact the people at our local nature reserve, and let them know that I have found Butler's in the location I did, just in case they aren't aware of them being there. Maybe they can do more to protect that area, so the snakes can be safe and thrive.
Of course, I'm crying my eyes out as I type this, 'cause I really really am going to miss the little guy.