Yeah I just recently bought some baby kenyan sand boas, cool little guys. I always separate the newbies to the collection but for some odd reason I slacked off and didn't seprate these guys. I gave them the once over when I picked them up from a guy who breeds them locally but I guess I missed the mites. After about three weeks since I had the sand boas I found a couple mites in their water dish so i checked everybody else thats is also housed on that rack. sure enough the mites had spread to 9 other snakes on the rack. So now instead of treating 2 snakes for mites, i am treaing the entire rack of 15 snakes including some radix, sirtalis, and some albino checkereds. I said all of that to say "always separate the newbies" because you never know if the one time you slack off will create a disaster or not.