Hi everyone,
Sorry I have not been around. I went to Maui for a week & all my snakes are up from burmation now & I had to return to work, so I have been really busy around here. I did get out for some hiking Saturday & am pleased to say the snakes are out!!! My wife & I found 3 rattlesnakes & a kingsnake on the hike. My wife almost stepped on a baby rattler that was stretched out acroos the trail. She missed it by about an inch...eeek! Anyhow, I will try to check in more often. It is to hard to read 1983 unread posts...LOL! As it says up in the top of my screen.

Some Maui highlights were;
My wife hassling a local

a whale cruising by

Here is the snake my wife almost stepped on;

a friendly adult rattlesnake...LOL! It let me get really close for some pics

Here is a link to youtube of a video of my Calif Red sided eating fish;
YouTube - Garter snake eats fish

Thanks for looking,