Today, I thawed out some fish for my garters, and noticed one of my males, Sidarr, was in shed. Normally, with all of my garters, their apetite disappears when they're in shed. But, today, I thawed the fish, and it must've been on the verge of going bad, as it had a fresh, but fishy smell to it *my parents could smell it a room or two away.*. So, I offered it to each of my garters and to my surprise Sidarr, although slightly hesitant, ate. Could the reason why garters don't eat doing shed do with anything involving the shed skin over their nostrils? I know the use their tongue and Jacobson's organ and whatnot to smell, but does this lack of fresh air flow from their nostrils somehow limit their smell sensitivity, thus making only items with a strong smell recognizable as food?