Hello. I am Adelle, and I joined in the hope of finding a local breeder in my area of south wales as I am looking for a garter snake.
I am engaged, soon to be married and live in newport gwent in a flat with my partner Steve (i may refer to him as Jen from time to time) and I care for him as he is a home hemo dialysis patient so I treat him and do all his needles and stuff.
I own a zoo.
2 cats
2 axolotls
1 bearded dragon
16 fancy rats
2 chinese hamsters
2 ferrets
1 crested gecko
3 baby Giant african land snails
10 tarantulas (one sadly died yesterday) :'(
and a dog and two goldfish at my rents house.

Looking forward to meeting you all and pls let me know if you have any cheap garter snakes you can deliver to me in my local area. thanks