Hello all … Have a seat as this will be a long read !As I previously stated I am not a big fan of taking garters to a vet”. I suspect my personal reasons are twofold. First and foremost is that most reptile vets are unfamiliar with garters. Also, I would be very disappointed if the vet prescribed the same treatment I can find on the net. Lastly (threefold ?? ) is ones comfort level in *doctoring* an animal. So … that said here’s my story …

I totally lucked out here … She is fantastic. Her following two appointments canceled so I got to spend LOTS of time there and learned much ! If anyone resides in the South Jersey area I would be more then happy to recommend this vet …

Female #1
· vet concurred that worms in pic are tapeworms (gotta’ luv a dig cam)
· sticky saliva and slight bubbling all from the left side of her mouth.
· trachea is clear and NOT the source of the bubbles J
· left side of her mouth is slightly enflamed, but did not bleed when swabbed.

Female #2
· her mouth is clearly inflamed, left side worse then right side.
· mouth color is dark pink, obvious discomfort, her mouth bled being swabbed.
· slight bubbling but trachea is also clear ! (dodged another bullet there !)

· Praziquantel (Droncit) _ Dosage : 8mg/k /this is an over the counter cat de-wormer but the Pugets got shots. This med is very bitter tasting and the injection stings.
· Necessity of 2nd follow up dose to be determined

Mouth Rot
· Baytril for 10 to 28 days in an oral suspension (Baytril liquid was compounded at a pharmacy at Vets calculated dosage based on their current weights.)
· Daily applications of diluted (1%) Nolvasan or Betadine swabbed directly onto the affected mouth area with a q-tip. Must ensure snakes mouth is held horizontally to ensure none is swallowed.
· Daily applications of aloe to the inside, irritated mouth area. I have live aloe plants at home so I use the “juice/gel” directly from a leaf. This is non-toxic and can be swallowed. This promotes healing and soothes inflamed skin.

SOOO …I can happily report that they all ate like pigs yesterday (2nd day of treatment) and they are all very active. I believe my *saving grace* so to speak in all of this is that it was detected and treated before they stopped feeding. I feel very confident that this group will rebound from all of this !! They are very beautiful animals, very inquisitive, & quite the little personalities ... marian

· *bob* (my snake’s baby daddy ) did answer my email. At the moment I am not at liberty to divulge the contents of that email. Should that change I will share with all

· I have been told by fellow hobbyists that *Panacur* does NOT work very effectively in Garters. Remember that’s an *opinion* but from an experienced source.