Quote Originally Posted by suzoo View Post
My husband says the quickest way to kill the adult mice is to put them in a 5 gallon bucket with a lid, and put the garden hose in and fill it. Then walk away for 5 minutes. Have heard drownding is one of the easiest ways to go. And they freeze nicely afterwards.
...Yes maybe, but the mice would panic....I would feel worse than I do already....agggghhh

have requested a price for large C02 cannisters (the 4ft to 6ft bottles) in the long run, I think it may be cheaper than the bicarb and vinegar...apparently because of the quietness of the release of gas, the mice don't hear it and so just pass out without realising anything is wrong....much better for my concsience....

Oh why can't my snakes be vegetarians....(are there any vegetarian snakes?)