Lol, well I tried not to get into trouble, but I met up with a friend off a local reptile forum to pick up a frilled dragon needing some serious tlc and behaved myself at the petstore and just got crickets. But then I followed him over to a guy's house to look at some bp's and the guy's fixing to go to Australia for a year and gave me his Chaco Gold Stripe and two Curly Haired Tarantulas! Then I followed my friend to his place and he gave me a Texas Brown Tarantula and 20 enormous roaches, plus some bowls, branches and a lamp. All for free! I made out like the proverbial bandit, lol.

Funny thing about the roaches... on the way home, I kept thinking I smelled hot dogs with mustard and onions. I figured it must be some fast food place I passed. I got home and a few minutes later, I smell the hot dogs again... then I realized it's the roaches I'm smelling! LOL