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Thread: de-worming ???

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  1. #1
    Subadult snake
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New Jersey
    Country: United States

    de-worming ???

    I may have spoken a little too soon unfortunately ... one of my Pugets seemed a little *odd* yesterday morning. Almost like she was trying to start a shed, rubbing the side of her head only she had not been *blue*. Lucky for me this was pretty obvious as the other two were in shed. I watched her for a moment and she appeared to me to be *drooling* holding her mouth ever so slightly agape. I took her out to get a better look ... I could find nothing overly apparent that was causing her discomfort. The inside color of her looked good perhaps slightly darker pink but nothing else ... no sores, scrapes, etc. The saliva from the side of her mouth was sticky but appeared to me to be saliva. I felt strongly that she was trying to vomit but I was not totally sure as I considered that maybe I was applying a mammalian trait to a reptile. I mean I know/have seen snakes regurg but ... Anyway, I put her in a rubbermaid container w/some paper towels for the day. When I returned from work she looked fine and she had deposited something . Not sure which end *it* came out of but it sure looked different to me however there wasn't any terrible odor as with a food regurg ... I spread *it* out some to investigate and snapped some pics. Looks like worms to me and more then one kind ??? I am very hands on in regards to any animals health issues. I have found stuff on the net in regards to this issue as it's new to me however I want a trusted source ...

    So my question(s) ...

    _What kind of worms might they be ??

    _What is the recommended treatment for these in regards to Garters ??

    I do intend to de-worm all of the Pugets. Outwardly they all appear 100% healthy and active. I would hate to lose any of these as when I had this girl out her blue is quite stunning ... her belly is such a beautiful, deep blue as well ... I'll have to take more detailed pics ...

    thank you all very much for any info you choose to share !!!
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