2 Rats (Chubby Balls and ernie) My snakes didn't eat one time and my girlfriend loves fancy rats.

I am the rat loving girlfriend that "forced" my poor fuzzy hating boyfriend to keep these cute little guys. And his name is not Chubby Balls....it's Chubby Nuts. Oh, and the reason he switched to f/t was because his ball python is stupid and can't kill her food without getting hurt.

I'm sorry you have to see his poor spelling skills also. His speaking skills aren't much better. I'm trying to train him, but I'm pretty sure it's a hopeless case. I still love him though (most of the time).

I'm Brook BTW. We might try to get a garter sometime. I like the Santa Cruz garters the most, but we'll see. Well, I'm finished ragging on the boyfriend for now, so have a good one and enjoy our animal pictures.