my male flame died! he was in the fridge with all the other adult garters and he looked fine every day but last night he was all twisted and when i took him out i realized that he had died. this is terrible news! i realy liked this guy and was looking forward to seing his offspring next year. my flames were my best chance for babies because they were the only ones that even attempted breeding this year, regardless of not being wintered correctly. now i don't know what to do. should i take the rest of the snakes out of the fridge? the temp. is a steady 45 deg. and all the other snakes look fine. what could i have done wrong? they have plenty of substrate to burrow in, although they're not doing it, they have water, like i said, the temp is exactly 45 all the time, they were all off feed for 3 weeks before i cooled them down and i did that gradually to avoid temp shock, what else is there?