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  1. #1
    Edgy Exotic Reptiles EdgyExoticReptiles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Bay Area
    Country: United States

    help Help help help help

    i decided to giv that herping thing one last shot went outside thinking maybe id find a brumating snake and a lizard, i found 1 unknown snake and 10 salamanders they are both very cold and bearly moving so i was thinkin they are brumating? i put the at the very highest spot in my refridge which is like 47-48 should i continu brumating them? the snake is very pretty though so i qould like to keep him, what should i do? found out what type it is Contia tenuis - Sharp-tailed Snake it has a lot of red, apparently they eat the salamanders i found where he was
    Last edited by EdgyExoticReptiles; 11-29-2007 at 02:23 PM.

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