Apart from Lilo, I have a few other pets.

I have my baby, Teagan. This is a pic of her and myself on holiday in the lakes earlier this year:

I have another little dog, who now lives with my retired Mum. His name is Kingsley:

I also have 3 rabbits...Eevee, a French Lop
(This is her and Teagan on the sofa)

Leon, who we think is an English:

And Mystique, who is a Black Rex - I don't currently have a pic of her, as I only got her a few weeks ago, and didn't have my cam at the time.

We lost another rabbit, Smudge about a month a go.

I also have a Corn Snake, Colin(!), who pretty much looks after himself - he eats approx every 2 weeks, and likes to sleep under his water dish the rest of the time. He is friendly though, and loves hoods, hair and belt loops.
Not sure on his age, as someone dumped him about a year ago.

I also own a small pet shop in a village, so have hamsters/rabbits/guinea pigs/fish there!