I have a pretty disgusting idea for feeding garters but I am wondering if it might work. Let say you took a bunch of healthy food (mice, nightcrawlers, trout etc.) and threw it all in a blender and simply ground it up into a big slurry. Then you took some of the unflavored gelatin and mixed it in and let the mixture gel on a thin cookie sheet and cut the resulting Jello into strips and fed it to the snakes. Would the gelatin be bad for the snakes.

I doubt if I would ever go through the process because I don't think you could freeze the Jello, and I don't think it would keep that well in the fridge but it is something I have thought about in the past, mainly as another reason to break out the blender, or should I say The Bass-O-Matic.

OK, I just found Allan's page and read his recipe for Garter snake Jello. Has anyone else tried it.