I need some serious help. Like a week ago my garter babies just started dropping off like flies. I dont know what to do. I've cleaned their aquarium thoroughly, and I change their water every other day. Its starting to worry me because I've lost 4 and now another is weak and probably will pass soon. The thing is he was healthy and flying around the cage yesterday. I've noticed on the ones who have passed that a day or two before their bellies are real soft and their intestine is extremely black. So much so you can see it through the skin. The ones who get sick become very lathargic and have a hard time rolling over if placed on their back. Two who have passed had what almost seemed like a green puss under the skin and almost all others who have passed looked like they had been cut with a blade down the middle. Please help; my sons Max died and now his favorite, Max's baby we called "Bernie", has passed and I don't have the heart to tell him.