So today I got home to discover my girl managed to escape her cage. Fortunately, she was hiding under the extra bags of substrate I keep in the stand under the cage, so I was able to put her back where she belonged.

She's in a Zilla 10 gallon Critter Cage, which has a problem:


As you can see, there's a small gap because the framework for the lid wasn't seated properly. I'd been holding the gap closed with some decently-heavy wire threaded through the hole for the padlock, but I'm no longer confident that will be enough to prevent future escapes. I'm pretty sure this is how she got out. There's small holes in the back of the lid to run wiring through for the heat and humidity probes, but there's wires IN the holes that pretty nicely fill them.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a fix short of just getting a whole new tank with a different lid?