I have wanted to get a snake ever since I was, I think around 5 years old. Due to some unfortunate situations I haven't even been able to consider it up to now. After some research I found out about garter snakes and just fell in love. Unfortunately they aren't a very commonly kept/bred snake, so finding even general information on them is harder than most other snakes, so after some hours of searching this site came up and I decided to join. This seems to be the best place to interact with people who know what they're doing and want to share that knowledge. I am a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information there is here and it's going to take me a while to get over that learning curve, but I really want to learn more about garters and snakes in general.

I have not owned any snakes up to now, but I have had encounters with some native species, even catching a juvenile out in the wild. I am currently working on making an enclosure and gathering the necessary supplies for housing, at first, 2 garters. ...that being said, I haven't yet found a breeder that ships to Europe. I hope to find one eventually.

I hope I don't bother anyone too much with my questions, there will be a lot and most likely very stupid.