So my decay snake she had babies as i said in my older snake theadifigured i make a new thread for this issue. I took them out from the mother the same night cause i herd its the right thing too do.. And sense Monday morning 1am 10 babies... there was 11 but one didint make it 2 days ago... thinking it was a birth defect ... when they was born i been trying too give them something too eat and i tried fish fillet which i herd they go after that and they wouldn't .

I tried finding baby worms the pink light ones and cant find any worms in my big back yard... not even big ones.. So i found some down my other place but just big ones which im using for the mama snake. But i decided too just put a big one with the babies and after awhile they started too peck it and even took half of the tail side of the worm right off,

Than one of them had the tail piece in his mouth but its just way too big for him so he kept spiting it out and trying again. So i took that pieces and cut it in smaller pieces and one of them went right after it and had its in his month but yep seems too be too big too swallow it..

They would go nuts over small worms but i just cant find any of them:/

Days ago i talked too a pet shop and at first he didint know what snake i have and than he said is that a decay? And i said yep and he said for one they need too shed after birth too eat they wont eat anything till than which is about a week. Than he said they will eat soft body stuff maggots etc and will go nuts over those. Are they aloud too eat maggots tho cause thoes things play around in garbage and last i herd stuff like that aint good.. cause i herd red winglers worms are not good.

But yea i just like too get these guys bigger and maybe give them away or release them cause i cant keep 10 more snakes mainly because they will give birth too each other and yep...

Is there any trick or even place that i can find small worms? or something else they will eat? oh they drinking water good so i guess thats a plus so far.