So I set up a terrarium a while back, which hosts two ribbon snakes, and 4 brown snakes, (its rather large) and they've all been eating and exhibiting what I assume is normal snake behavior. spending the majority of their time either in their wooden hides or under the sphagnum moss I use for substrait, only leaving to eat (my ribbons eat cut up tilapia, and my browns eat dew worms.) and drink.

the smell was starting to get pretty bad and as the flowers I had in there died on me. I replaced them with aromatic herbs, rosemary and lavender. that was Saturday and they haven't taken food or left their hides since. It could just be stress due to having been handled and put aside in a smaller tank while I was doing the work on their home, and its subsequent visual change, but I'm worried they might not like the smell of the plants I added as much as I do. I looked it up and both are listed as safe for reptiles, but I doubt those articles were intended for garter snakes and closely related species like my ribbons, or my dekays. Kind of annoying how biased herp articles are toward bearded dragons and dart frogs... personally I don't get the appeal of either.