Hi there,

Wish my first post was a more upbeat one but I'm at a loss on what to do about my snake not eating? The snake is a wild Coast Garter I rescued from a sticky mouse trap at work in June of 2017. It's about 24 inches in length and was eating a pinky or two every week since I have had it until the very beginning of October, 2017. At that point, it just stopped eating and would hide away from any food offered it. I tried: night crawlers, and even thawed frozen goldfish but it wouldn't touch anything. After reading a ton on brumation, I figured the snake was just gearing up for winter. I brumated it from November 28th, 2017 until January 23, 2018. It came out of the two month brumation looking healthy and not thin and I figured it would be totally ready to eat again. However, this was not the case. The snake still has not eaten anything since the brumation ended. Even though it appears healthy, I'm getting worried as it's been nearly 4.5 months with no food! At this point, the snake spends most of the day hiding under moss in the terrarium on the cooler side. Any help would be very appreciated.

Many thanks,
