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  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Country: United States

    Does My Snake Have Mites?

    One day when I was handling my Nebraska Albino Plains, I took a closer look at him and noticed these black dots on him that you can view in the pictures. Im not too sure whether these are just natural or they are actually snake mites. I tried to look into his enclosure and his water dish to see if there were any mites moving around but i did not see any alive or dead. When I further inspected him there was no live ones walking around on him either. I have not been in contact with any reptiles that have had mites before and he is the only reptile I own so I don't think I could have passed it on to him. Please let me know if these are mites or not so i can know what further steps to take. And if they are what would you recommend to get rid of them?
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