Hello everyone! Glad to be here... My name is Madison. I'm a sci-fi nerd, collect oddities, and I've been keeping reptiles for about 15 years now- and currently own Leachianus geckos, Crested geckos, Jeweled Lacertas, Western Hognoses, and bally pythons.

I'm really wanting to get a pair or trio of garters that can cohab in a display tank. Species that are okay with cooler temperatures are ideal, as I try not to get my apartment TOO hot because of my geckos, but if I need to keep the snakes in a separate room I can. A big thing is I LOOOOVE Blue on snakes. The more blue, the better. Bright red is a close second. I've been eyeballing the California Red Sided Garters, but I'm not sure the legality of keeping/breeding/selling them in California and if someone could help clarify that it'd be greatly appreciated as well... And lastly, I'm hoping for snakes that will make nice display animals and "hang out" and not just hide all day. Let me know what you're thoughts are! Thank you!