So, basically my first ever garter snake was a big one my cat caught when i was like 8. It had puncture wounds and i loved to "rescue " animals as a kid so i stuck the poor guy in a ten gallon and sort of nursed him back to health. Shockingly he survived despite his wounds, and i began my love for the snakes. My parents made let him go, but i would spend hours outside catching them and then i would take care of them for a week (or two if my parents forgot i had one) and then release them again. I caught other snakes too (some rat snakes, green snakes, and earth snakes) and absolutely loved caring for them as long as i could. I got piles of books from the library and studied up on snakes, constantly begging my parents to get a ball python or at least let me keep one of my garter snakes.

Now i am older, and i had a young male eastern garter snake named that my parents finally let me keep. I had him for 5 years (he was already full grown when i found him stuck in a pipe, not sure how old he was) and he recently passed away. So, i bought a beautiful female red-sided plains garter snake who is now named Yona. I've had her about a week, and she is settling in nicely. I love garter snakes, and hope to get another sometime that is a more unusual color morph (i have seen some garter snakes on here that i didn't even know pretty!)

Well, that about sums up my garter snake history. I was (and still am) a weird girl who loves snakes!