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  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here! Rupley89's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Country: United States

    Help with determining gender of new Garter

    Hey, everyone, I'm new to this community!

    I joined because I'm in a bit of a bind and was told that this was the group of people who could help me. (Just short of popping or a Vet visit to probe)

    I recently purchased what was supposed to be a pre-sexed male Juvenile Albino Checkered Garter from an unnamed, (for their privacy) reputable breeder. Upon further inspection, this snake appears to be female. I contacted the breeder and told them that I think there may have been a mistake. (At the time they were only selling males) I wouldn't have contacted them but they guarantee the gender of their animals. They seem to have dismissed me outright and told me that a mistake was impossible. I sent them the same photos I'm about to share with you and have yet to receive a response.

    Please let me know what you think, and sorry if this isn't the appropriate place to post.
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