New here. So a little back ground.

We have three girls, 8,6, & 5... they love the trampoline out back. Problem...a garter snake moved in under the porch. I see slugs out there ever morning, so I'm guessing he just found the food source to good to move away from.

Anyway, the girls were terrified of him lol. So, after a week of watching him come and go, I finally caught him. Carried him across the road and released him in the field. A week later, and he's back lol.

So, the girls went back to their dads for a week (joint custody, a week here, a week there) on friday. Monday I managed to catch him again. Figure I'll hold on to him till friday, do a quick lesson and transplant him again over the weekend.

Thing is, I've grown attached to him. Theres no law here preventing keeping him. But, he does belong out there not in the house. Moral decision...

Anyway, I vacated the hermies temporarily until the garter gets relocated, or gets his own enclosure.

I gave him a nightcrawler, he didnt eat it, but its only been two days, so maybe he was full, maybe he's stressed. Either way, reading here, I'm not too concerned about him not eating just yet.

I'll try to upload a pic, as I'm not sure of the subspecies, eastern I think.