I made plans to get a snake in Nov and didn't over finances again. I didn
t sell various items that I planned to sell so that meant income that was planned didn't come in.
Then I stretched fundsa as far as it would go to spend money on the cresties. I got three new enclosures, various items for the cresties , some feeder roaches that filled another two orders and an incubator.

I was unsure about buying an incubator because I have no plans per say to become much of a breeder. I plan to stay a hobbyist keeper with fewer reptiles. The more I thought about it, the more I decided I really wanted my hatchlings to make it and when my eggs didn't live/hatch last time due inexperience on my part, I was very sad. I ended up buying a trio of hatchling cresties on the internet. The catch was that I had a choice, I could buy the thermostat that I needed for a snake or the incubator for my planned crestie hatchlings.

I didn't get the first snake that I wanted...but my cresties are getting better and better setup so it's all good. My wishlist is now basically still the thermostat and more enclosures. Mostly I would like some twenty gal. acrylic enclosures for the male cresties. Since this costs money to ship, I'd like to save up and buy a couple at once which is going to be very expensive upfront. I hope the sales of some of the fish tanks will help off set this cost, but each enclosure costs more then I'll get from selling my fish tanks.

I would also like very much to go back to my sculpture( another huge money sink that I'd like to save up money for). Sadly I do not have the funds nor the income for two hobbies or even enough money for my single hobby so I have not returned to sculptures. One of the challenges is that my cresties all live in what was supposed to be my artist room and there's no room left on the table to do the art. I'm need to switch some male cresties from larger fish tanks to vertical enclosures about the size of twenty gal tanks.

The planned snake wouldn't be effected by this since I have a spot in the living room reserved for the snake already. I might also want to buy hide specifically for the snake and various other small items such as I have for my cresties. It would be nice if I could trade one of my future hatchling cresties for a hatchling/newborn snake.
Apparently if I got a corn snake, I could have rather pretty one given the presumed economic value of my cresties is higher then the average corn snake hatchling.

Best would be if I were to have some kind of activity that brought in reliable supplies of money, which I am also hoping to resume rather soon. Even with a regular supply of money, I think my entire income from now until summer is going to be spoken for with my goals here. Come summer time, I'll be spending money on my kayaking/hiking supplies so that money is actually booked too...