I have a 7+ year old female plains garter that won't eat. I inherited her so i'm relatively new to keeping a snake.

when i got her last July, she was a regular eater of mice, and rat pups and ate regularly. I fed her immediately and she ate.

Since july, she has shown no interest in eating, and has refused 5 or 6 mice since then.

she's fairly active and only recently looks like she's losing weight. I know they can feed infrequently but 3 months i figured she must be hungry now.

the process of feeding is unchanged from the previous owner, she has a smaller container i transfer her to to eat. she is used to being placed in the container with a mouse waiting, but the last time i fed her i put her in the container first and then presented the mouse and she ait enthusiastically.

ambient temperature is around 22c in the tank and she is active during the day.

I have read the forum a fair bit and have read some reasons they're off food can be they're ready to shed, or because its autumn it's preparing to hibernate.

or she's just become a fussy eater. I have been putting off changing food up to worms in case she's difficult puting her back onto mice.

she has not been allowed to hibernate for several years, if ever.

I have also read she could have picked up a parasite, but given she's been healthy and i keep her tank clean i think its unlikely, is there any way to diagnose or treat without a vet?

her tank is not the largest but its within the recommended sizes, its a little longer than her full length and about half as wide.

thats all i have for now, I'd hate after years of happy existence to think i'm not taking good care

any insights would be appreciated.

that's all i have for now,