I'm new to snakes. My young son and I rescued on out of the school parking lot. I have always had dogs, sometimes cats, the fish I have have been with me for 18 years and my turtle for 31 years. My son wants to keep the tiny snake we found in what I think is a bad place for him to live. The local pet shop said I should release it and buy him a snake. I found it two days ago in northeast pa. Not sure what to do but I have decided I like this snake its small not jumpy if you are slow and not loud. If it faces certain imminent death if I put it back I don't want to do that. I also don't want it to die because I mean well. I'm looking for direction in this and if not this snake I told my son he could have one I buy or he catches in the spring , need direction on that issue too. Thanks, Eloise