So my garter snake has been picky with his food for the past month. He usually devours pinkies, but about 2 weeks ago I had to scent the pinkies with fish in order for him to eat them. Then, yesterday, I scented 2 pinkies with fish and he wouldn't eat the pinky, or the fish alone. He loves fish and never turns them down so I'm a bit worried. I feel like it's too early for him to go through hibernation since it's only October and he's already pretty skinny as is. I have a heating pad in his cage but he seems to avoid it. I was going to put the heat lamp on today to make him want to eat again but the bulb won't turn on. Should I put him in the basement and let him hibernate this early or should I buy a new heat bulb and try to feed him again? He is 10 yrs old and has hibernated at least 4 times in his life. Thanks for reading.