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  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Country: Scotland

    Hello Again. Possible RI?

    Basically my checkered garter snake Pandora, she's around 4 years old, and she's been great since I got her. About a week ago she hissed at me when I went to check on her. [I just run my finger along her body and she normally just pops out and says hello, this is the first time she's hissed at me] So I looked over her and noticed she was pretty dull, she must be shedding and pretty grumpy. I noticed she was more lethargic than usual, and whenever I run my finger down her body after this she wasn't really moving at all. Its like her body raised up to my finger, and her head done this boppy up and down thing. She has never done this before either. I contacted my breeder and he said it was just her communicating with me. I also noticed huffy noises, kinda like she was sighing at me? The sighing noises are now continuous and extremely loud.

    She ended up shedding perfectly, and I fed her. I normally leave the fishies/pinky parts on a plate and she goes up and gets them cause she's extremely fiesty when eating. She didn't go for it at all. So I got the tweezers and put it to her mouth and she ate it fine, except I had to do this with every bit. She ended up not eating it all either.

    She's in a 4ft glass vivarium, with plenty of hiding spaces and aspen bedding. Heated by a heatmat, controlled by a thermostat. Her hot side sits at 26 c and her cold side is 20c.
    She's fed on smelt and small pieces of pinkies. [shes terrified of mice for some reason lol] I give her a punch of Nutrobal dusted over her food every 4 weeks also. Since this incident I have taken her to the vets last friday. She heard the noises and said they're definitely coming from the lungs. She also put her on an antibiotic, which she's had twice. She gets a injection every 72 hours. I don't know if this is early in the treatment but I've seen no improvements at all. Its almost like she's getting more lethargic. I tried to feed her the other day, she did eat but it was like she couldnt push the fish down her throat, and resulting in alot of worrying squeaks. She did manage to get it down but I couldn't bring myself to give her another. Im worried that its not an RI and something else. Her mouth is clean, and I haven't noticed any mucus or bubbles around her mouth at all. She's not lost any weight either. The only thing is the breathing noises.

    I've also raised her temps to 32 c on the hot side, and shes about 24 on the coolside. I've also bought a 2.0 UV light.

    Does anyone have any ideas? Should I be seeing any improvement at this point?

    I added photos of her enclosure, and one of her.
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