
Currently own two kings - Lampropeltis getula splendida. A lovely corn will be arriving in about a week. I like enhanced and planted vivariums. Am planning to have a trio of garters in a large planted custom viv. (some time next year).

Got into snakes about a year ago, because of spinning and weaving.
Yes, they go together.
Every time I see a new pretty garter I want to get out graph paper and make a pattern draft. Actually, I'm poorly skilled as a weaver, but the inkle belt looms make things as easy as possible. If I get any garter-inspired belts woven, I'll try to post some photos.

There seems to be more information about the natural history of garters than other types. I keep running into garter sites while looking for basic information on the behavoir of the kings. Probably because they are easier to study by congregating at places like Natirce (spell?)?