Quote Originally Posted by d_virginiana View Post
Garters don't need UVB, so that's not your problem.

Are you talking about those little round thermometers that are like dials? Those are like, up to ten degrees off on a good day (you may be talking about something else, but that's just what my mind went to)
They are. I have two of em in one viv that are more or less for show, one is like 4 degrees off the other and one is about a degree off of actual. I use my flir camera for getting temp readings. Another flaw with those is you can't have it sitting in the middle of your basking spot. At least with the digital ones with the probe on a wire you can have it setup in the basking area much more easily. Even then I'd still trust a temp gun over anything and just find out how much a digital is off by and use that for daily checks but still check weekly with a temp gun.