Husbandry; She is in a 50L plastic tub, fitted with airholes. She has a heatpad which is controlled by a thermostat. Her hot side is usually 26-27c and her cold side is 20-21c. I feed her a varied fish diet, and supplement her water everyday with vitamins.<br><br>Basically, there was an incident around 2-4 weeks ago where Athena, my 2-3 year old albino checkered garter snake had suspect inhaled water during a shedding bath. She was very lifeless, and water was coming out in forms of bubbles from her mouth/nose. I waited it out. She recovered well, and was back to herself again.&nbsp;<br><br>One night ago, she started acting strange. I picked her up, and her bottom half of her body was completely fine (ie coiling round me as usual) but it was like she had no control of her top half. It would be completely lifeless.&nbsp;<br><br>Today, she was the same but she had what I could only describe as a seizure. She started thrashing herself against the walls of her enclosure with her mouth wide open. I collected the substrate from her mouth, and left her to it. She is moving, but everything is backwards. She moves about tail first, and no tongue wiggles or such from her at all.&nbsp;<br><br>I've taken her water dish out as a preventative measure.<br><br>I contacted the vet and have an appointment with them tomorrow.&nbsp;<br><br>Right now I guess I need some like minded people to talk to about this. My boyfriend/family don't seem to understand why I'm so upset/worried about her. She's my little squiggle and I want her to be ok.