My degree is in fisheries biology. I own and operate a large tropical fish hatchery. I've been researching parasitic infections for 42 years. I have developed treatment protocols that are used throughout the tropical fish industry. I have bred and raised many animals including chickens, rabbits, birds and turtles, and millions of fish from many species. I have set up a small lab in my business where I do the analysis.

Like I said before, give me an example of a parasite that I cannot find in an earthworm, if it's there. Encysted parasites generally get there as external parasites and they are the easiest to treat. Those that get there from the intestinal tract will continue to infect the intestinal tract. Once the parasite is identified, elimination is generally straight forward. Some can be difficult to kill, especially if the host is very weak, but I've yet to run into one that couldn't be dealt with. Your warnings are okay for someone who doesn't know how to analysis parasitic infections and treat them. I am not one of those.