First of all, I'm not posting for my snakes, I'm posting for my dad (I think his username is EKS). I don't actually have internet for the moment so I won't be able to check this, but he has to go to work so I'm writing this from his computer since it's pretty urgent.

The snake that regurged is a female blackneck that is 8+ years old (don't know the exact age). She regurged seven pinkies and a LOT of blood. The pinkies had not been digested at all really. He said that when he fed her last night she got over excited and accidentally bit herself, and he saw a drop of blood in the corner of her mouth and assumed it was from that, but could never find the spot where she bit herself. She was acting alert and completely normal literally up to the moment of the regurge. I happened to be there and thought it would be a good idea to snatch her cagemate out before he could come into contact with any of it and put him in a separate bin. If it does happen to be something contagious, hopefully that was quick enough.

I know it doesn't look good for the female at this point, but if anyone has seen anything like this and can help us identify the cause it'd be good to know.

My recommendation was to basically do three quarantines of 90 days (they also have a 1-2 year old female that is the littermate of my blacknecks and is housed separately). As in, not use any of the same equipment between the sick female and the other two, and not use any of the same equipment between the male that was living with her and the female that is housed separately. Not knowing the cause, I'm just playing it safe and running under the assumption that whatever this is is contagious.

I might not be able to reply to this until I get my internet set up, so I'll tell my dad to check this thread for anything you guys have to say as far as what this could be and how strictly he should quarantine.