I purchased six 2-3 month old garters that had been eating a mix of chopped earthworms and pinky parts. I'd like to convert them to live fish. I have a large number of disease-free guppies of all ages. So far, after 4 days they've shown no interest in the fish. I put a few sizes into their bowl and have released the garters into the bowl after handling them. I'm wondering what size/age guppy might best temp them and if I should try to mix a dead fish into chopped worms (though I'd rather have them take live fish). When I got them, I was under the impression that they would prefer fish over mice and that they would readily take to them. I'm sure they haven't eaten in over a week.

I'd like opinions on whether they are likely to eat fish after more time goes by or if it's better to start the mixing of fish with worms or something similar. I have small pinkies on hand if that is needed.