So just yesterday I took in a rather friendly wild garter snake. I believe it is a male probably around 2-3 years old based on the size, and he is very calm and relaxed and so far seems to be in great health. He is a great feeder so far and will eat worms right out of my hand, so I was thinking of switching him over to frozen mice. Is there any specific things that I should do for a wild garter that are different than my CB garters? I thought it would be the same but I figured it would be best to check.
Also, any other tips for caring for a WC garter? Any signs I should look out for in case of sickness or anything? I do have one concern, some of his scales appear to have "rust" between them, there is a reddish orange colour between them on one side of his body. I've looked around and not found anything for it but I'm sure someone on here can help me out. Thanks