First off if this needs moved to another area, fine, wasn't sure where to stick this. So I could go to a BP forum and ask this there but I don't know anyone nor they I. Some of you I feel I've come to know since joining, and this forum has always had a family feel. So who do you go to when your thinking about making a move or change . I know we all love garter snakes, that's why we're here. But knowing that some of you have crossed this bridge before or maybe still keep some, it's your thoughts I would most appreciate. This is something I've been looking into for a couple years now. I think if I make this move (most likely next year) I want to start with 3 gene animals, a male and female that might never be paired, but if they were could make for a nice clutch. I'm a fan of lighter colored snakes. Pastel Mojave and Enchi Lesser. So what are some third genes that not only complement the two genes listed but if paired would make for a nice clutch if you are going to play the odds with six different genes? Thanks for any ideas or advice in advance.