With the general lack of garter snake keepers in Canada, I thought it'll be a good idea to get a small little thread going on.

I'm quite curious if anyone know of any breeders? I've contacted Scott for a possible shipment this year, but he told me he wasn't doing one or is not planning one at this time. So far I've only seen checkered garter snakes for sale (wild type and albino) and saw someone selling some plains (wild type, reds, and albinos). Never jumped on these, sadly. I should certainly do so in the future! I currently only 'keep' Eastern garters which I find and care for awhile before releasing them back into the wild (generally these snakes I get from neighbours who were either afraid of them or simply dislike them, or I find them out during the winter).

Any answers and/or help for locating breeders within Canada is greatly appreciated!