I went into my reptile room today to see that the flame female I suspected to be gravid had suddenly died today. When I checked on them this morning, I noticed she didn't seem to feel well, but it wasn't bad enough that I thought a vet visit was necessary or anything.
This snake has always compulsively soaked in her water dish; staying there for hours and hours sometimes but with no sign of mites. Additionally she was always a poor eater, never eating more than one good meal in a row, which we put down to the stress of being moved. Quarantine included she had been with my parents or myself about four to five months.

I am currently very miffed as it is obvious that we received a snake that was already ill in some way; my main concern now is whether or not whatever was wrong with her is contagious as I have two males that were in with her during the breeding season and have been using the same tongs to feed everyone (once again, she passed the 90 day quarantine with no obvious 'symptoms' other than soaking more than a garter normally would which we just figured was a personality quirk of hers).