I haven't been on here in a long time, and decided maybe I should try to start coming back on here.

I posted my male albino checkered garter here when I first got him, but he's grown up a lot since then. I got him October of 2013, and he was just a tiny little baby then, didn't even register on my scale. Now he's 1'-1.5' long and 23 grams as of today. I'm still wondering if the scale wasn't wrong, or he wasn't empty, though...he only weighed 17 grams last month and has only been putting on 1 gram a month for awhile now.

Here he is 2 months after I got him.

Here he is from a month or two ago.

He eats mostly well, but since I started offering him bedding deep enough to burrow in, he no longer hunts down his mice and it's easier to spook him off of food.

When do male checkered garters tend stop growing, or slow down growth to barely noticeable levels?

Here a few more of my favorite photos.

Here's a recent one one of him buried under his humid hide.