Hi guys...sorry I've been MIA for so long. Nursing school is unbelievably difficult and time consuming, to say the least. I have two classes left, and as long as I pass them both, will be finished in April. Thank goodness!! So, to update on the snakies...lost another baby, Zeus...one of the last of Cee Cee and Seeley's litter. He definitely had failure to thrive and I kept him alive as long as I could...poor thing. He lasted two years though...and passed with his daddy near by, so at least he was not alone. All the other snakes are doing well...I have been trying to room snakes together for company and less enclosures to tend to. I have Hermes, Seeley, Little Joe, and Perseus together now...and they seem to love being together...Hermes has even become a bit more social. Sadie and Izzy, the eastern I got from Shawn, are together and they just love each other...snuggled together all the time. And then of course, the twins, as I call them, Snapper and Peanut...the two easterns I rescued from my basement...are still together. Snapper is just as snappy as always...bites me every chance he gets. Ziggy is alone since he is very skiddish...he freaks out if I even put my hand in his enclosure to feed him or change his water. He has gotten really big for a male eastern...I'm going to have to post pics. Well, that's my update. Hope everyone is doing well! Oh, I forgot...I'm getting another snow radix from Tommy T.Radix soon. Can't wait since I miss my Possum so much. Tommy is sending me a het albino radix (is that right, Tommy?) female as well to keep the snow company for the ship. I want to find a good home for her as I will not be keeping her after I quarantine the two. Tommy...can you post a pic of her please? Let me know if anyone is interested...will give her to a good home for shipping cost.