Long time no post for me, to everyone both old and new who reads this hello

Steve asked me the other day how things are with me and my snakes, so i figured i would grab some new pics and update you all this way.

I have a pair of normal Checkereds and they came to me from a customer (i work in a reptile shop) who knew i loved garters and had 2 eyarling he no longer wanted. Anyway, that was 6 years ago and they are still doing great

This is my girl:

She is incredibly friendly and the most outgoing of the two, if someone wants to see a garter snake, i get her out and hand her over. Couldn't get a nicer natured snake. She is also a fantastic feeder and loves mice.

Here is my boy:

This guy, is rather shy and nervous compared to the girl, he has his moments where he comes to look at you, but in general prefers to remain hidden and out of sight. Although he does handle well if he is gotten out. Feeding can also be problematic, he likes his food to be on the smaller side and is usually best to leave the food in with him, which he will eat within a couple of minutes. If tong fed, he freaks out, mock strikes several times and then shoots out of the enclosure at top speed which will end with lots of musking and probably a bite or two. So we are all happier to leave his food in with him. Did have concerns for him this year when he spent the first few months after his winter cooldown not eating and lost a fair amount of weight, but he did resume feeding and put it all back on again and still seems to be going strong.

They had 8 babies back in april, most of which went on to thrive and then on to new homes. I do however, have 1 left which is being a bit stubborn. I tried pinky, fish and worms but it was not interested, it got the point where it was starting to look a little thin and as there was nothing obvious wrong with it, as in no kinks or other deformities i took the plunge and assisted. Opened it mouth plopped a tiny bit of food in and it ate. Now heres the problem, this is still the only way this little one will eat, I had one other of its siblings do this, but after 3 times it learned to eat to eat by itself and its new owner tells me it never misses a feed. So im confident my little one will feed on its own eventually. Its still growing at a nice pace and holding its weight, because when i do feed it in this way it will eat a nice amount just not by itself.

This is him:

Well, that wraps things up for this update and hopefully i'll crack the little guys feeding problems sooner than later, but all in all things are good