So today when I came home I saw my little checkered chilling in the water bowl. This was odd for the little guy since usually it does a garden eel impression where he/she hangs his head out of a burrow then shoots back in if I go near. Anyways it seems he finally shed. He had the skin rolled up kind of like a sleeve about a half an inch behind his head, and I expect it looked a lot worse than it was due to the skin getting all soggy. I more or less helped him get the rest of the shed off pretty well, but I was worried about the shed itself. Some pics of the skin attached below, the longest piece would be after I removed him from the water and he shed relatively cleanly. Afterwards I found a weird "double-sided" piece that I believe is the top of the head split laterally. Then finally is a perfect piece of skin from the bottom of the jaw and about an inch of skin after that. After the whole ordeal, he sat around for about thirty minutes, recuperating I assume, and then he went underground.

Does anyone have any advice? Do you guys think it could have just been that the shed got messy when he got it soggy? And today was feeding day. Should I hold off giving him some tilapia until tomorrow?
