I've got the two stunted baby blacknecks that I've been working with living together (to give an idea on the size, they are about a year old, and can't take anything larger than a pinkie leg). They are both eating like crazy; even the one with neurological issues. I've seen this in their container a couple times now, especially after they eat a larger meal...

It's basically partially digested pinky parts, but there is also a white substance that looks like urates. Has anyone else seen this in a regurge? Is it possible that the pinky bits (mostly legs/arms/tails so they are identifiable) are passing through their systems without being properly digested?

Both of them are acting fine, and it doesn't happen after every meal. I'm still finding regular poo and urates as well, so I don't think there's a blockage or anything like that. They aren't really growing that well, but they are both energetic and not looking thin anymore (making it hard to figure out who's been regurging). I'm not so surprised that their systems are a bit sensitive, but mainly I'm confused about the white, urate-like substance in the regurge?