My adult male radix, Augie appears not to be able to move the upper part of his body. He has recently been laying on top of cage floor vines. Last night he was mostly in the water dish. This morning, I found himself still in the water dish, almost same position/location. It appeared he was trying to get out. I took him out and he moves the lower 2/3 rds of his body but the top 1/3 rd appears to twist and flip over when he tries. I held him for awhile, tried to give him water and placed him back in his house. Nothing in the house looks as if it could cause injury, I just redid it 3 days ago and rehoused Augie with the 2 males of equal size. Previously, he was living with Beauty, and they are the proud parents of my 24 new babies.

I'm not sure what can be causing this but I doubt he will survive the day. Anybody else ever have this happen? He's only 3. He is the offspring of two radix that Steve gave Rhea (Drache).