So as I said in my welcome thread I fell in love with a garter snake at PetsMart and wanted to buy it. I went in today all set, but I stopped to ask an associate how old she is. This associate said "actually that's a California king snake we don't have garter snakes" umm the associate yesterday referred to it as a "gartener" snake.. And it sure does look like an albino checkered garter snake.

She got suuuuper defensive, I was not acting like a know it all I just said "oh ok I thought it was a garter snake" and she's like "no it isn't I promise it's a king snake".

First of all how common are albino checkered king snakes? Maybe I'm wrong.

Second the manager came over to help the associate check other stores for me and he too was very defensive and said it was indeed a 6-month-old California king snake (I was told yesterday that it's a one month old garter snake... big difference between those two, right? This snake is pretty tiny) and that the two look nothing alike... Okay I'm an idiot then because I swear that snake looks exactly like every picture of albino checkered garter snakes I've ever seen (including the one plastered to their glass).

Im really annoyed. Not buying squat diddly from PetsMart I kind of hate that place anyway.

Even if I'm dead wrong about the snake they were very condescending about it and pretty much refused to even look at the snake in question.