Kingnake owner for years, have always disregarded Garters - until yesterday. Caught an Oregon Red-spotted, had it in my vivarium awhile before I FOOLISHLY let it go! Had seen two playing yesterday when I caught one in bushes near the shore of the Columbia River.

Went back to that island today, saw one other snake, but it was too deep in Horsetails to catch.

Also plenty of Northwestern Garters in this area, but on that island the Red-spotteds seem to be most common. They hunted with their heads raised up - like Racers. One smaller one (male?) was chasing a larger one (female?), who eventually got tired of the scene and left quickly.

I'm intrigued that they are more active hunters, hunting by sight, than the Kingsnakes, who are mostly ambush hunters.

What behavioral differences can I most expect? Why should I love Garters more than Kingsnakes??