so you all may be familiar with chex and penny... both were gravid (penny still is) well somehow tuesday night wednesday morning Chex got out, i still have no clue how. Well I found that my kitten had found her. I picked chex up and inspected her, my cat bit off the end of her tail (healing nice already) no other wounds so I put her back. I went back to bed for an hour or so called out of work and checked on her and she seemed rather thin so i went looking around the cage. I found 3 dead babies about 4 or 5 slugs and this tiny mutant "baby?" if it can even be called that. I am assuming my cat screwed her up enough where she decided to let the babies go? I feel so bad. She ate last night which is good. sad.jpg this was Chex yesterday hiding (where she had most of the babies and jellies)