Saturday morning,the wife and I ,went to a nearby swap meet,needing alot of food ,for my growing collection,ended up buying another stunning Yellow Ratsnake ,about three ft.,it was a little underfeed,but all of this sellers snakes seamed to be,he also had a real nice White Oak Gray Ratsnake,four ft.,but I asked for a package deal,and told us ,he couldn't,so I got the Yellow Ratsnake for $25.00,Sunday I feed it four med. mice,it took them right from my finger tips.
The dealer that I purchased all of our mice/crickets from had a Ratsnake for sale,it was a little guy,around 20 in.,he had it listed as a Dexter's Ratsnake,never heard if it,and Ive had Ratsnakes for many years!!
Anyone of Heard of a Dexter's Ratsnake???the snakes overall color was a muddy red/brown,and you know with Red Rats,they've got the saddles/blotches running down their length,dk.red bordered with black outline.this snake had faint black bordered outlines,but the saddles/blotches where the same muddy red/brown of the snakes base color,I asked him about this snake,and he couldn't give me any info on it,he had just acquired it,I asked if it was a designer color,i asked if it was a crossbreed.I did a quik search on the net,and found nothing.


P.S. not one Gartersnake was to be found at this meet.mainly those dam designer Python's ,Ratsnakes and alot of weird Gecko's